We are always looking for individuals who love to serve others through Medway Family Ministries. You can find information about how to serve below.


Hope House
Transitional Living Program

Check back soon for more info about how you can help with our Hope House program.



Seeds of Hope
Food Pantry

Donations are always accepted. You can find our needed list of items here. If you want to volunteer your time, contact:

Carol Kohs 937.323.6226
Don Kohs 937.605.2651.



Threads of Love
Clothes Closet

Donations are always accepted. You can find our needed list of items here. If you want to volunteer your time, contact:

Joy Crague 937-369-5430


God's Garage
Car Maintenance

If you have skills or experience as a mechanic or car repair, click the button below and fill out our volunteer form.